Monday, July 31, 2017

Organization Profile of SDC, Faridpur.

Organization : Society Development Committee (SDC)
Address         : Zaman Monzil, Road # 1, Goalchamot, Faridpur.
Telephone #   : +88-0631-65854, +88-01714022987
E-mail            :,
Web                :

Society Development Committee (SDC) had emerged as a local non-governmental voluntary organization in 1988. From beginning SDC has been continuing its activities for overall development in both economically and socially of the poverty stricken disadvantaged section of society- particularly women, children and disabled. Recently SDC has attained the age of 29 years. Over the period it has gradually expanded its agenda of activities and is implementing all out programs in 1737 villages, 205 unions and 21 Upazilas of Faridpur, Rajbari, Gopalgonj, Shariatpur, Munshigonj and Dhaka district. It has 521 experienced and dedicated staffs (Male-398 and female-123) and 46 branch offices and 1 head office for overall program administering and implementation. SDC has  establish Network, linkage, collaboration, partnership with different local, national and international NGOs/donor agencies, different government institutions as well as different people’s organizations   and professional groups.

SDC’s vision is to establish justice, good governance, exploitation & poverty free; gender equity and environment friendly well established Bangladesh.

Not relief but release is the principle of SDC and it is focused on the institutional approach of the rural disadvantaged people ensuring their active participation in development process. Participatory discussion and democratic system is strongly followed regarding resource management and empowerment of the poor and extreme poor for their sustainable development.

Goal :
To develop socio-economic status of the poor and extreme poor in view of poverty reduction and livelihood development through commensurate management of resources with an emphasis of women empowerment.

Objectives :
a) To work in the interest of the distressed and oppressed population of the society with the emphasis on such fundamental needs as food, cloth, shelter, health and education..
b) To encourage, stimulate and facilitate on building of  organizations through ensuring the participation of poor and  extreme poor with the emphasis of women participation.
c) To motivate and mobilize small groups of target beneficiaries in rural areas and to deposit savings by them
d) To foster both formal and non-formal education for adults and the disadvantaged children insuring community involvement in this process.
e) To facilitate the creation of employment opportunities for the beneficiaries so that they would be able to uplift their livelihood as per their aspiration.
f) To stabilize population growth, protect human health and make them human resources through resorting conceptual training.
g) To organize and train the deprived section of the rural population as groups of active, patriotic, hard working and self dependent citizens of Bangladesh.
h) To build the capacity in terms of human and financial management for their own development and to  resolve their identified problems.
i) To encourage in joint and family based enterprise and enhance the process of sustainable income and employment for the rural poor.
j) To raise the gender awareness from the family to the community level and to ensure women's access to and control over resources and benefits derived from the projects.
k) To address the issue of environment degradation and protect by raising awareness and plantation of trees.
l) To liaise with local, national and international organization / institutions of both GO and NGO in view of establishing strong linkage which would activate for achieving it goal.
m) To involves in relevant research activities on way to SDC's overall institutional goal.
n) To prepare and publish different publication and to disseminate those in view of activating and strengthening the familiarity as well as status of this organization.
o) To assist activities on the way to the succor of the affected population at the time of natural disasters.

Working area of SDC :
SDC has been operating its all out programs and activities in 1737 villages of 205 unions under 21 upazila's of 6 districts. Under Faridpur district the name of 9 upazilas are Faridpur sadar, Boalmari, Alfadanga, Madukhali, Nagorkanda, Saltha, Bhanga, Charvadrason & Sadarpur, under Gopalgonj district the name of 2 upazilas are Kashiani & Muksudpur and under Rajbari district the name of 5 upazilas are Rajbari sadar, Goalanda, Pangsha, Baliakandi & Kalukhali, under Dhaka district the name of 2 upazila is Dohar, Nobabganj, under Sariatpur district the name 2 upazilas are Sadar and goshairhat and under Munshigonj district the name of upazila is Sreenagor.

Target Beneficiaries:
SDC's target beneficiaries are both men and women (mainly women & children ) having the following characteristics: Landless, marginal & small farmers, fishermen, small traders, small entrepreneurs and homogeneous professional group members.

SDC's Membership with Different Forums :

1. Federation of NGOs in Bangladesh (FNB)
2. Credit and Development Forum (CDF)
3. National Forum for Welfare of Disabled (NFOWD)
4. Practical Action-Bangladesh (PAB)
5. Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)
6. Campaign for Good Governance.
7. Gender and Water Alliance (GWA)

Micro-Finance program of SDC

Institution building program:
The main purpose of institution building is not only to improve the level of communication and accessibility between the public and the available services but also to make the women aware of these services and of such matters as their legal rights and social exploitation. The formation of small groups of rural poor and hard-core poor emphasizing women participation holding weekly meetings with the field staff of SDC is the first progressive step towards the development process. Each group comprising 25-30 members with in the age of 18-55 years and only one member from one family. During the weekly group meetings individuals and family problems are discussed and savings program is successfully implemented. A village Development Committee is then formed as a combination of the smaller groups and its member's meet monthly to discuss the village problems and the best way to cope with these matters. SDC would like to see in the foreseeable future at union level the formation of federation at union. The main objectives for this is that the women can then create and control their own resources and will have easier access to government facilities and institutes. The organized group members are now actively participating in much mediation / arbitration meetings and male counterparts to the community are accepting such mediation and arbitration.

Jagoron (Rural Micro Credit):
Credit program is the major and core program of SDC and from the very beginning it launched this program in small scale subsequently it received credit support from Palli Karma Sahayok Foundation (PKSF) in 1992. Since then SDC has gradually expanded this program in view of absolutely alleviating the poverty of the rural poor and hard core poor through resorting diversified small projects such as small business, nurseries, animal rearing, paddy husking, fish cultivation, bakery etc. The beneficiaries specially women are being empowered socially and financially through implementation of different IGA after receiving credit support. Now the total group member is 56736 loan outstanding is Tk. 52.65 Crore.

Agrosor (Micro-enterprise Program):
Contemplating as a crucial program SDC has been implementing micro-enterprise program with technical and financial support of PKSF since 2004. Before this, SDC had operated this program in small scale among the advanced members of existing groups whose dealings was observed as good and who had also essential financial support in large scale for properly continuing their enterprises by its own initiative. After close observation and evaluation PKSF has given an approval to carry out this program and been providing financial support for commensurate implementation of this program. Now the total group member is 3216 loan outstanding is Tk. 16.56 core

Micro Finance and Technical Support (MFTS) Project:
SDC has been implementing this project through the collaboration and financial support of PKSF and IFAD since 2004 (2003-2004 fiscal year). The goal of this project is to develop the livelihoods and food security of moderate and hard-core poor households and the empowerment of women. The project objective is the adoption of sustainable income generating activities and livestock technologies by the target beneficiaries. Through this project about 934 people has got different training courses on livestock's. After ensuring training course credit support is provided to them. Now the loan outstanding is Tk. 45.00 lac.

Sufolon (Seasonal & Agriculture-Sector Loan Program):
 SDC has been implementing the seasonal & Agriculture-sector loan program since September 2006 through the financial support of PKSF in a befitting manner. Through this program installment is being colleted at a time after certain duration of 3,6 and 9 months. Loan duration is being calculated on the basis of crops duration. Presently there are 20206 thousand member in this program and outstanding of them 49.85 core Tk.

Buniad (Ultra Poor Micro-credit Program):
 With the collaboration and financial support of PKSF, SDC has been executing the ultra poor micro-credit program since 2005. The main thrust of the program is to bring the ultra poor people under micro- credit program and to develop their livelihood status through implementation of different need based income-generating activities. SDC is administering the ultra poor micro-credit program in a befitting manner and with much reputation following a modified and specific credit policy through 6 branch offices. Special monitoring and follow up is being done in view of quality implementation of the program. Now the total group member is 11949 loan outstanding is Tk. 5.65 core.

ENRICH (Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty):
With the collaboration and financial support of PKSF, SDC has been executing the ENRICH credit program since 2012. The main objective of the program is to bring the beneficiaries of the project under categorical (ENRICH-IGA, ENRICH-LI, ENRICH-AC) credit and technical support to uplift their living status to develop their livelihood. Now the total group member is 1935 loan outstanding is Tk. 3.84 core.

Ongoing Projects of SDC
With the collaboration and financial support of PKSF, SDC has been executing the ENRICH Program since July, 2010. The ENRICH is a new poverty eradication approach seeking to empower households participating in the program to work effectively to reduce their poverty on a sustained basis towards its elimination; enable them in the process to secure improved health and nutritional status; help and create mechanism for them to work with relevant institutions and larger communities for effectively preparing for responses to natural disasters; and  put in place a new and effective method of GO-NGO collaboration for comprehensive development. By working with selected households in association with the local government and committed stakeholders, ENRICH catalyses the households’ efforts to lift them out of poverty. The overall goal of the program is to ensure human dignity and freedom by gradually reducing poverty in a sustainable manner, towards total elimination at the household and community level in Satoir union. By nurturing the skills potential of poor households, ENRICH encourages and assists them in changing to their economic status. Access to appropriate technology, as well as access to health and education services, will ensure increase in productivity, allowing them optimize returns from market operations. It is crucial for the success of this program that the households themselves are eager and willing to pave the road to their development, a task which requires time, hard work and patience. Their commitment coupled with their collaboration with Society Development Committee (SDC) and a feature unique to ENRICH, will ensure the success of their endeavors. Today ENRICH has already been established in Satoir union by Society Development Committee (SDC), and continues to expand it outreach.

ENRICH is a program conducted at the grassroots level focusing for overall household development of the poor based on a ‘One Union One PO’ principle. The program targets poor families, working with them to enhance and maximize the utilization of their resources and skills. ENRICH aims to alleviate poverty not only through income generation but through a holistic approach targeting other crucial aspects of human life including health, education, youth development, community development, etc, the goal being sustainable development driven by the people themselves.

Working  Area          : Satoir Union in Boalmari upozila under Faridpur District.
Targeted Household :  5513 (Present Household – 6300)
Targeted Village        :  28
Targeted Members    :  28132

Education Program:

Non-Formal Primary Education Program:
SDC has been implementing the non-formal primary education program through technical and financial support of BRAC since 1995. This program provides basic reading, writing and mathematical skills to illiterate children. SDC provides primary education to children and adolescents who are unable to continue formal schooling because of the economic limitations of their families and the low social value of education. From 1995 SDC provided education support and benefit to 3030 students (1950 female & 1080 male).  Quality education is ensured by strong monitoring system and this program is being implemented with the collaboration and financial support of BRAC. Presently SDC is operating 20 schools in Boalmari and 14 schools in Charvadreson upazila of Faridpur district.

Enrich School: 
Society Development Committee (SDC) is implementing School program for decreasing the drop out ratio of the primary level student. With the financial and technical support of PKSF SDC has able to establish 51 school in the 27 village of shatoir union. The number of students of this program are 1475.

Education Program 2016
Name of the project
Working District
Working Upazila

Education Support Program
Non-formal primary education

Non-formal primary education
Enrich School
Education Support Centre

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)
VGD program is the largest social safety net program of the government of Bangladesh that exclusively targets ultra poor households. The aim of this project is to improve the socioeconomic status of women who are poor, distressed, disadvantaged and not directly connecting to regular income for family. However, SDC executed this program with 2057 women at 13 unions of Magura Sadar upazila under Magura district in the year 2010-12.  Again in 2015 SDC has started implementing VGD Program in association with GOB for 2263 women at 19 unions of Sariatpur Sadar and Goshair hat upazila under Sariatpur district.
Activities for the year-2016
Name of the project
Working District
Working Upazila
Vulnerable group development (VGD)



Provide training to 2263 vulnerable women on skill development and IGA
 Training for 2263 vulnerable women on skill development and IGA

Human Resource Development Program-
The major components under this program are Human and Institutional Development (HID) training and Technical Skill    Development (TSD) training. Human and Institutional development training helps to develop analytical skills, positive    attitudes, management and operational skills of both SDC's staffs and organized group members. A total of 425 training courses on human and institutional development had been offered so far where, 10750 participants were attended. Technical Skill Development Training largely contributed to effective implementation of income generating activities through providing relevant information, management procedure and   environmentally sounds technology. Under technical skill development training, 1045 courses offered so far where 23540 participants attended.

Disaster Management Program of SDC-
Disaster management program is an important program as the miseries of disaster-affected people is indescribable. Following this, SDC is implementing this program in its working area. Disaster management program is the own program of SDC. Through this program different types of awareness raising activities regarding disaster management are being continued through meeting and training. SDC has been providing different types of relief materials (cash and kinds) among the beneficiaries, who are the victim at the time of disaster. The organization has an wide experience is implementing disaster management projects. During the devastating flood of 1988 we had implemented a disaster management program by providing different types of relief materials like rice, dal, biscuits and oil among our flood affected beneficiaries through the financial support of concern Bangladesh.

Objectives: The main objective of the disaster management program is to reducing the vulnerability of the community people affected by the natural disaster and to cope with disastrous condition.
Working area: The Disaster Management Program is operating in the existing working area of SDC

Cultural Program-
SDC has a strong and competent theatre group. Different type of awareness raising programs have been accomplishing through this theatre group from its inception in view of accelerating and commensurate implementation of different projects. This theatre group been praised by different NGOs, Govt. and Donor agencies for its excellent performance. This program is emphasized on different program related scripts which are prepared and delivered according to different programs.

Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA –BD-CYMMIT & CSISA-MI) project-

Society Development Committee (SDC) is a partner to implement the activities of Cereal System Initiative for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD) and Cereal System Initiative for South Asia- Mechanization and Irrigation (CSISA-MI) projects. The projects are trying to increase income, food security and livelihood of the southern region’s farmers in Bangladesh by introducing newly developed crop varieties with agricultural practices through surface water irrigation, efficient agricultural machinery and local service provision. Overall objective of the projects are to introduce newly developed crop varieties and access to the agricultural mechanization services that enable farmers to cultivate successful dry season crops. We are working with farmers who grow wheat, maize, lentil, coriander, jute, mungbean and sesame under different upazila of Faridpur, Rajbari, Gopalgonj and Madaripur districts through group approach with LSPs. No of 1110 beneficiaries are involved in our working area. According to project guide line the project staff formed the producers group in different villages in order to introduce new technologies and marketing systems to increase income and better livelihood of the farm families. Demonstrations and trials were set up under farmer’s field situation with new and promising technologies on wheat, maize, lentil, coriander, jute, mungbean and sesame along with modern mechanized cultivation methods to make the farmers understand about the benefit of the new technologies. Society Development Committee (SDC) successfully conducted 26 batch farmers training under CSISA-BD and 17 batch farmers training under CSISA-MI projects. All training programs were facilitated through PowerPoint slide, video clip, flip chart etc. Well experienced resource persons from CIMMYT, SDC, DAE and BARI were facilitated in training program. All training sessions were executed through the participatory way. The participants learnt about the modern cultivation and management process through mechanization. We have executed 29 batches Farmers Field Day (FFD) under CSISA-BD and 14 batch farmers training under CSISA-MI projects. All FFD’s were field oriented where farmers opinion was focused. Well experienced resource persons from CIMMYT, SDC, DAE and BARI were facilitated. Eight (8) batch Exchange visit were completed under CSISA-BD project and Four (4) batch Joint field visit were completed under CSISA-MI project. Six (6) batch LSP training and four (4) batch mechanics training were completed under CSISA-MI project. Total 10.90 ha land coverage was done through mechanization with new varieties of different crops under CSISA-BD project and 191.63 ha land coverage was done through mechanization under CSISA-MI project.

Harvest Plus Bangladesh Project-
Harvest Plus is part of the CGIAR (Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research) Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) which helps realize the potential of agriculture development to deliver gender-equitable health and nutritional benefits to the poor. Harvest Plus Bangladesh project has been implementing by SDC since 2012 and aims to improve food and nutrition security by the enhanced and sustained rice productivity through the promotion of zinc enriched modern rice varieties. SDC and Harvest Plus Bangladesh introduced rice-based technologies to grow a second or even third crop on the same land where previously only one or two crops have been possible. It is estimated that about 634,000 ha land are fallow in the lower part of southwest Bangladesh during the Rabi season due to a combination of factors such as lack of access to fresh water for irrigation and technical knowledge (CSISA-BD Annual Report, 2013). However, capacity building has conducted among large number of farmers on improved rice-based technologies. SDC and Harvest Plus Bangladesh have taken a number of approaches to solve the food and nutritional problems. SDC and Harvest Plus Bangladesh have taken a number of approaches to solve the food and nutritional problems. SDC established 50 full demonstrations and 200 minikit demonstrations of zinc enriched modern rice variety BRRI dhan64 & BRRI dhan62under Faridpur and Madaripur districts. SDC also established 1000 free seed demonstrations or disseminations of zinc enriched rice variety BRRI dhan62 among 1000 rural farmers. SDC also accomplished six farmers training, six field days and ten Uthan boithak successfully organized by SDC with the technical assistance of Harvest Plus Bangladesh. Project Area and Targeted Households: SDC has been implementing Harvest Plus Bangladesh project covering thirteen upazilas (Faridpur Sadar, Nagarkanda, Saltha, Bhanga, Sadarpur, Boalmari, Madhukhali, Muksudpur, Kashiani, Shibchar, Kalukhali, Goalanda and Rajbari Sadar) under four districts (Faridpur, Rajbari, Gopalganj and Madaripur). The targeted household was 1250 including demonstrations, minikit demonstrations and free seed.

Agro-business of SDC through contract farming model(Ground nut)-

SDC Chotul is a profit seeking sister company established by  Society Development Committee (SDC), a reputed national NGO working in Faridpur region for rural development since 1988. SDC ChaulKol has been commercially operating as a rice processing mill at Boalmari upazilla under Faridpur district since 1993. Inside the rice milling facility a big Chatal (Commercial drying facility) and a storage facility currently used for drying and storing rice. However, in recent years SDC ChaulKol is investing more for expanding it’s agro-business portfolio. For example, besides providing microcredit support to 25,000 farmers for rice farming SDC has disbursed agricultural loans to 3,000 farmers for groundnut farming.

In 2016 SDC ChaulKol  with the technical and financial support of DAI has started  groundnut business and implement a contract farming model to produce better quality groundnuts. After production, SDC ChaulKol will buy back the product from contract farmers and can utilize its Chatal and storage facility to dry and preserve the groundnuts before selling at a better market price. In effort to ensure sells of the produce SDC ChaulKol has already signed MoUs with four differentl Chanachur processors and dialogues with two more processors is underway .The relation with the chanachur processors is strong with SDC; since these processors received  micro enterprize loans as entrepreneur from SDC four years back . To meet their demand SDC ChaulKol is expecting to collect 500 MT kernels from contract farming (84531 decimal lands of 800 farmers); while the rest will be procured from Rahmot Agro limited Faridpur and open market. Moreover, SDC has planned to procure and install automatic groundnut shelling machine However SDC has purchased 20 decimal new lands for expanding the existed drying field, store room and to make a new shed which will help to increase the operational efficiency and business profitability.

Social Business of SDC-
Agro-business of SDC through contract farming model

SDC ChaulKol is a profit seeking sister company established by Society Development Committee (SDC), a reputed national NGO working in Faridpur region for rural development since 1988. SDC ChaulKol has been commercially operating as a rice processing mill at Boalmari upazilla under Faridpur district since 1993. Inside the rice milling facility a big Chatal (Commercial drying facility) and a storage facility currently used for drying and storing rice. However, in recent years SDC ChaulKol is investing more for expanding it’s agro-business portfolio. For example, besides providing microcredit support to 25,000 farmers for rice farming SDC has disbursed agricultural loans to 3,000 farmers for groundnut farming.
SDC ChaulKol has started groundnut business and implement a contract farming model to produce better quality groundnuts. After production, SDC ChaulKol will buy back the product from contract farmers and can utilize its Chatal and storage facility to dry and preserve the groundnuts before selling at a better market price. In effort to ensure sells of the produce SDC ChaulKol has already signed MoUs with four different Chanachur processors and dialogues with two more processors is underway .The relation with the chanachur processors is strong with SDC; since these processors received  micro enterprise loans as entrepreneur from SDC four years back . To meet their demand SDC ChaulKol is expecting to collect 500 MT kernels from contract farming (84531 decimal lands of 800 farmers. Moreover, SDC has planned to procure and install automatic groundnut shelling machine. However SDC has purchased 20 decimal new lands for expanding the existed drying field, store room and to make a new shed which will help to increase the operational efficiency and business profitability.

In relation to the issues concerning social commitment, SDC determined to operate project/ program with different development agencies. In 2016 SDC takes over several projects to promote social business.   

Proposed projects-

Sl no
Name of the project
 Type of agreement
PAB & Faridpur Municipality
Operating partner
The project aims to accelerate to produce bio-fertilizer using human fickle and homestead wastage.

Remarkable implemented and ongoing projects of SDC

Implemented projects

Ongoing projects
Sl #
Name of the implemented projects
Name of the Donor
Project Duration

Sl #
Name of the ongoing projects
Name of the Donor
Housing, Improve Cooking Stove, Goat, ETC
Bangladesh Mission


Disaster management
Own fund
1988–on going

Partnership Agriculture Research and Extension (PARE)


Micro credit  (Agriculture, Seasonal, MFTS, ME, UPP, EFRRAP, ENRICH-IGA, AC, LI)

1991- on going

Women Development Program (WDP)
 Asian Partnership for Human Development(APHD)



Non Formal Primary Education (NFPE)


1995- on going.
Community Base Fisheries Management (CBFM-2)
World Fish

Enhancing  Resources and increasing capacities  of poor Households  s towards  Elimination of Their Poverty(ENRICH)

2010- On going

Village and Farm Forestry (VFFP)
Swiss Development and Co operation (SDC)

2011–on going
NGO gardening for Nutrition Surveillance Project (NGNESP)


HarvestPlus Bangladesh
2013–on going

Vulnerable Group Development Program (VGD)


Agricultural Support Service Program (ASSP).
Department For International Development(DFID)


Capacity Building Partner AVC


Bank Asia/DAM
2016- ongoing
Vulnerable Reduction Program (VRP)


Promoting Organic Fertilizer Program
Practical Action-Bangladesh, SDC
2016- ongoing
 Land and Agrarian Network Development.

Adorsho Gram
EC, Ministry ofLand Bangladesh GOB.

Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM-2)
World-Fish Center


Food Security For Sustainable Household Livelihood (FOSHOL)


Development Initiative For Social Advancement (DISA)
Inter Cooperation (IC)

2006 - 2009

Making Markets Work for Small Holder Farmers and Rural Producer (MMWSHFRP)
EC through PAB

Reaching out of School Children (ROSC)
World Bank , SDC, GOB

Sustainable soil Management for Security Poor , Marginal and Small Farmers of Active flood Plain and Charland of Bangladesh.(SUSFER)



CSISA-BD- WorldFish

Poverty Reduction By Increasing the Competitiveness Of Enterprise (PRICE)

Agriculture Unit

Livestock Unit

Developing Inclusive Insurance Sector Project (DIISP)

Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice Value Chain Project


Agriculture Value Chain (AVC)-Jute


Agriculture Value Chain (AVC)-Groundnut


Water and Sanitation (WAS)


1994-on going.

Key information of SDC


Year of establishment                       : 1988
General Committee member            : 27
Executive Committee member         : 07

Registration no.: 1. NGO affairs bureau –533
                              2. Department of Social Welfare – Fa-126
                              3. Department of Family Planning – 71/95
                              4. Microcredit Regulatory Authority-03665-02837-00343

Working area    : Dist- 6 (Faridpur, Gopalgonj, Rajbari, Madaripur,Shariatpur & Dhaka)
                          : Upazila-22 (Faridpur 09 Gopalgonj-02, Shariatpur-02,Madaripur-01,
                            Rajbari-05 & Dhaka-2, Munshiganj-01) Union-205, Village- 1737
Total no. of office
Head office                 : 01
Branch office              : 46
Total staff                               : 521
Male                            : 398
Female                         : 123
Total group                              : 5467
           Male                            : 384
           Female                         : 5083
Total beneficiaries                   : 85754
            Male                            : 5859
            Female                         : 79895
Total organized group savings: 523595353
(Including monthly voluntary savings)
            Male                            : 49046299     
            Female                         : 474549054
Total Loan disbursement
(Cumulative as of December,2016)   : 12884585000
Total loan realization                   : 11598736763
Loan out standing                       : 1285848237
Recovery rate                              : 99.01

Contact Person of Organization-


Kazi Ashraful Hassan                                                              
Executive Director
Zaman monzil, Road#1, Goalchamot, Faridpur
Lan- 0088-0631-65854, Cell- 0088-01714-022987

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