Thursday, September 28, 2017

Compost Reserch & Training Center (CRTC)

CRTC is a new program of SDC which is funded by Practical Action Bangladesh and Faridpur Municipality. This program was activated since 25th January 2017. Today was a training organized by Piratical Action. Before starting the training Deputy Director(Audit and Project) of SDC Khondokar Hamidul Islam telling about the plant.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What is Compost Research & Training Centre (CRTC)

CRTC is a research center where make compost from Sludge/Dung. Compost Research &Training Center (CRTC) is situated in Beribadh, Adompur, Faridpur (Beside Marin Academy).

CRTC is a new project of SDC which is funded by PAB & Faridpur Municipality and implemented by SDC.This program was activated since 25th January 2017. This project is a Public-Private Partnership based project to address the faecal sludge management issues in Faridpur town. To sustainability manage the faecal sludge generated in Faridpur, there are two (2) sweeper associations who are collecting the sludge scientifically and dumping the sludge in an environmental friendly way at CRTC. There are some social mobilization activities which is resulting in gradual increment of the service demand from the sweepers.


The goal of the project: 

The goal of the project is sustainable and safe city-wide faecal sludge management system serving all municipal residents and institutions in Faridpur municipality by 2025.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

MY TV news

Channel 71

Help Rohinga

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Health Camp 2017 organiseed by ENRICH Prgram, SDC, Faridpur.